Our response to the pandemic is Art YOU Ready, a creative campaign connecting art-making with emergency preparedness.

The sociopolitical unrest, climate crises, and the COVID-19 pandemic inscribed much of our common experience in 2020. The mental health and physical safety of our community was on our minds as we created Art YOU Ready, a project meant to artistically engage thousands of households in the neighborhoods we serve to build their emergency readiness awareness and skills.

Our team of educators knows that it takes imagination to change the world, and that art is a powerful tool to help create awareness, insight and solutions. In partnership with over 20 schools and community organizations, Art YOU Ready preparedness kits are being distributed throughout Alameda County. The kits contain art supplies and fun art activities that family members of all ages can do together— watercolor postcards for emergency contacts, a DIY no-sew mask, a hand-crafted preparedness book, and a mapping activity to plan evacuation routes. Our activities were inspired by and designed to accompany an excellent 4-step readiness brochure, also provided in every kit, that was created for residents of Alameda county by Listos California, a program out of the Governor's office of Emergency Services.

The Art YOU Ready campaign included a novel livestream event on December 12th, 2020 that offered participants an introduction to preparedness and an inside view of our arts-integrated approach. We also conducted an Art YOU Ready phone campaign throughout the winter months to inform our friends and allies about this work.

AHC utilizes the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing in its work with children and youth. Attitudinal Healing principle #2 applies to Art YOU Ready: Health is inner peace and healing is letting go of fear. Please consider supporting us as we employ art and these principles to transcend the barriers to emergency preparedness and emerge more courageous and equipped to face an ever changing world.